Our services at M/Y Mälarprinsessan

Our desire at M/Y Mälarprinsessan is to deliver an experience to remember long after the ship has returned to port. Hence, we tailor the events based on Your wishes and offer an unforgettable vacation, a kick-off event or cruise where You can relax with Your friends, family or colleagues.

Let our well-experienced crew, well versed in local marine knowledge, offer You a peace of mind when in pursuit of a nautical lifestyle packed with excitement and freedom!

Enjoy a seated three-course dinner, the finest food and finest wine while cruising our fabulous archipelago – or visit one of the many culinary archipelago pubs, inns or restaurants for a drink or dinner -or let one of our adorable hostesses mix the refreshments on board!

Go out and swim, ride jet-skis or water-ski after our RIB! Let our chef grill for You on the flybridge where You can also enjoy the view and the music during the day. And why not a little bubble in the Jacuzzi as the sun goes down?

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Welcome aboard the M/Y Mälarprinsessan!